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September 12, 2023
September 12, 2023

Giving people a true freedom to choose is essential and inspiring to the mission of companies in any kind of business.  For product companies, it is simple to imagine – one example is the leading furniture manufacturer Ikea, which controls its own supply, thus catering to most tastes and budgets, but which also makes it a point that customers can choose freely with no “upselling” intervention.

For MOBILITY service companies that deal with Immigration and 2nd Citizenship programs, the matter becomes trickier because they have no control over supply.  Instead of compensating for that by understanding the countless globally offered programs, many of these companies unfortunately fall into the trap of becoming marketers for one or two such programs, which they find “easy to sell”, thus denying people their right to choose freely.

In our opinion, there are THREE (3) pillars in the MOBILITY industry, which must be respected to achieve its democratization and true freedom of choice by clients:

  1. KNOWLEDGE…  Mobility advisors must know and understand the various immigration by investment programs that exist worldwide and present them to clients in an exhaustive manner in order for them to know their options – let them eliminate those that do not meet their requirements and budget criteria.  Anything less at this level would be unethical.
  2. OBJECTIVITY…  Mobility advisors must be impartial when comparing said options by highlighting their pros and cons, but mostly their risks based on the extent of their adherence to truth and law – it is a life decision for clients, let them make it in an informed manner.  Anything less at this level would be deceptive.
  3. CRAFTSMANSHIP…  Mobility advisors must rise to the level of stimulating actual participation by clients, thus prioritizing their interests and future over own short-term material gains – people are not rigid inert creatures, they are often capable of changing their current situations to become eligible for programs that better satisfy their long-term aspirations.  Anything less at this level would be uncreative.

In short, true MOBILITY advisors are those that fully understand the supply chain of Immigration and 2nd Citizenship programs and are able to channel their clients, each according to his/her own and very unique persona, to the RIGHT program, far from any personal or corporate agenda.

It is important to note, however, that clients also have an important role to play in making sure that their choice is in fact truly free – they must be able to filter the noise created by advertising slogans and social media price wars because, as important as those are for general awareness, they are certainly insufficient to make any kind of informed decision.

Please give us your opinions…

August 16, 2023

رؤيتنا لحاضر ومستقبل برامج الجنسية عن طريق الاستثمار في الجزر الكاريبية، مع الأمل في تحقيقها

لقد أدخلت مؤخرًا “سانت كيتس ونيفيس” تحديثًا مهمًا على برنامج الجنسية عن طريق الاستثمار العائد لها وكل المؤشرات تدل أن برامج باقي الجزر الكاريبية سوف تتبع.  وبالتالي، بالرغم من أننا لسنا متفائلين لناحية ديمومة هذه البرامج إذ أن العد العكسي لوجودها بحلّتها الحالية قد بدأ، لكن بشكلٍ عام نعتقد أنه خبر جيد للغاية لمجمل قطاع حرية الحركة العالميّة.

فما هو هذا التحديث؟  باختصار شديد، يتلخص بنقطتين:  (أ) تضاعفت الأسعار و (ب) أصبح إلزاميًا أن يخضع المتقدمون لمقابلة قبل الموافقة النهائية على طلباتهم وأن يستلموا جمع شهادات التسجيل والجوازات شخصيًا من السفارات والقنصليات المحددة بعد الموافقة.  بمعنى آخر، أصبح خيار الإستحصال على جنسية “سانت كيتس ونيفيسعن طريق الاستثمار أكثر تكلفة و أكثر صعوبة في التنفيذ، مما سيقلص حكمًا وبشكل كبير عدد الطلبات والمتقدمين، وبالتالي أيضًا إيرادات الدولة وقطاعها العقاري.

إذًا، لماذا أقدمت “سانت كيتس ونيفيس” على هذه الخطوة التي تبدو مضرة لاقتصادها ولخزينتها؟  وهنا بيت القصيد…  لقد جاء هذا التحديث على وقع الإجراء الذي اتخذته “بريطانيا” بحق “دومينيكا” بإلغاء ميزة استقبال رعاياها من دون تأشيرة والذي يتضمن أيضًا إمكانية توسيعه ليشمل جميع الدول الكاريبية التي لديها برامج جنسية عن طريق الإستثمار.  ويعود ذلك لخفّة تعاطي جميع هذه الدول مع برامجها، إذ أدّت بها المنافسة إلى تجاهل الخطر الأمني الذي باتت تشكله على بريطانيا وكامل الإتحاد الأوروبي.  إن التعاطي مع الجنسية عن طريق الإستثمار وكأنها قابلة للشراء، مثلها مثل أي سلعة إستهلاكية ذات سعر خاضع للعرض والطلب في السوق، هو انحراف خطير عن روحية هذه البرامج وخطأ كبير لم نتوقف عن التنبيه منه مع عملائنا وعلى مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي العائدة لنا لسنوات.  من أجل الإنصاف هنا نحن نعتبر أن المسؤولية فيما آلت إليه الأمور في هذه الجزر لا تتحملها الدول وحدها، إنما يشاركها في ذلك الأغلبية الساحقة من المطورين العقاريين والوكلاء المعتمدين وشركات التسويق الذين حولوا قطاع حرية التنقل العالمي إلى سوق تحدّي في الأسعار فقط، على حساب الخبرات والتمرس والجودة في تقديم الخدمات الإستشارية.

لذلك، إن نجحت أو فشلت “سانت كيتس ونيفيس”، من خلال تحديثها لبرنامجها، بالمحافظة على ميزة وصول رعاياها إلى “المملكة المتحدة” ومنطقة “شنغن” من دون تأشيرة، وكذلك الأمر بالنسبة لجميع الجزر الكاريبية إذا حزت حزوها، ما هو حتمي ومؤكد هو أن ارتفاع الأسعار سيقلص من أرقام المتقدمين التي كانت تنمو بسرعة في السنوات الماضية.  وبالتالي، لن يصمد جميع الوكلاء وخاصةً أولئك الذين قاموا بالترويج للبرنامج عبر وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي من دون أدنى خبرة تُذكر، مستخدمين “بيع الجوازات” كعناوين عريضة لحملاتهم.  فنحن حقًا ننتظر رحيلهم بفارغ الصبر لأنه بذلك نكون قد عدنا إلى الأيام الخوالي التي هيمن خلالها القليل من الأسماء العريقة ذات خبرات عالية.  ومن المرجح أن تتقدم وتستمر هذه الأسماء التابعة لشركاتٍ ومستشارين ذوي خبراتٍ عالية والتي تضم فرقًا متمرسة.  فمع انخفاض الحجم، يمكن العودة إلى معايير الجودة الأعلى كما كانت عليه الحال سابقًا.

باختصار، إن حرية التنقل عالميًا من خلال الحل الكاريبي ستكون متاحة لعدد أقل من الأشخاص ومع ذلك، هذا لا يعني أنه سيتم حرمان الآخرين منها.  نتمنى أن يبدأ كل من الوكلاء والعملاء في النظر إلى حلول مخصصة أكثر لحاجات محددة بدلًا من اتباع نهجًا واحدًا إذ أن

 الوصول إلى منطقة “شنغن” أو “المملكة المتحدة” ليس ضروريًا للجميع

   يمكن العثور على طرق بديلة وربما أرخص بكثير للحصول على الجنسية، ويختلف ذلك باختلاف جنسية المتقدم واحتياجاته.  من هنا يجب معرفة شخصية المتقدم-بشكل مهني وعلمي اولًا ومن ثم عرض الحلول المتاحة وليس عبر دفع المتقدم إلى برنامج ما لاغراض بحت تسويقية.

    هناك عدد كبير من الاختيارات المناسبة والمنخفضة الضرائب في مناطق كأمريكا اللاتينية، وشرق أوروبا، ووسط وجنوب شرق آسيا ويتطلب هذا النهج بالطبع خبرات عالية ومعرفة في قوانين الدول المانحة الإقامة أو الجنسية.

اخيرا تبدأ بداية النهاية عندما يدرك المتقدم أن الجنسية الثانية ليست سلعة يمكنه شراؤها من راحة منزله وليس من الضروري أبدًا أن يبذر مئات آلاف الدولارات لتحقيق أهدافه.  فبدلًا من ذلك، يمكن تحقيق نتائج رائعة من خلال القليل من الأبحاث والصبر مع مستشارين يضعون مصلحة المستثمر أولًا ومستقبله فوق كل اعتبار.

August 7, 2023

In an era where second citizenship is often portrayed as a commodity or a trade, it is crucial to take a step back and recognize the true value of information and knowledge when engaging in such investments. Investing in second citizenship is a significant decision that requires careful consideration and thorough understanding. In this blog, we will explore why information and knowledge play a pivotal role in making informed choices and maximizing the benefits of acquiring second citizenship.

Acquiring second citizenship involves navigating through a complex landscape of legal, financial, and cultural considerations. Each country offering a second citizenship program has its own set of rules, requirements, and benefits. Without comprehensive information and knowledge about the intricacies of these programs, individuals may find themselves exposed to unnecessary risks or unable to leverage the full potential of their second citizenship.


Information and knowledge empower individuals to make informed decisions when choosing a second citizenship program that aligns with their specific needs and goals. By researching and understanding the legal framework, application process, investment options, and associated costs, prospective applicants can evaluate the suitability and feasibility of each program. Armed with this knowledge, individuals can choose the right program that offers the desired benefits, such as increased global mobility, access to better healthcare and education systems, tax advantages, or business opportunities.


The world of second citizenship investments is not without risks. It is essential to be aware of potential pitfalls and scams that can exploit individuals seeking a second citizenship. Having the right information and knowledge allows individuals to identify reputable service providers, understand due diligence processes, and ensure compliance with legal requirements. By conducting thorough research and seeking advice from trusted professionals, investors can mitigate the risks associated with second citizenship investments.


Investing in second citizenship often involves a significant financial commitment. Without a clear understanding of the financial implications, individuals may make decisions that can have long-term consequences. Knowledge about the investment options, such as real estate, government bonds, or business investments, helps individuals assess the potential returns on investment, liquidity, and exit strategies. Informed financial decisions allow investors to optimize their resources and make choices that align with their financial objectives.


Second citizenship investments require compliance with legal requirements and adherence to local regulations. Understanding the legal aspects ensures that individuals follow due process, submit accurate documentation, and meet the necessary criteria for acquiring a second citizenship. Knowledge about the legal framework also helps individuals protect their rights, understand their obligations, and navigate any legal challenges that may arise during the process.

Investing in second citizenship is a significant decision that should not be taken lightly. It requires a deep understanding of the intricacies, risks, and opportunities associated with different second citizenship programs. Information and knowledge are powerful tools that enable individuals to make informed decisions, mitigate risks, and maximize the benefits of acquiring a second citizenship. By conducting thorough research, seeking professional guidance, and asking the right questions, investors can embark on their second citizenship journey with confidence and clarity.

July 31, 2023

Understanding Investment-Based Citizenship:
Investment-based citizenship is a legal process that allows eligible individuals to acquire citizenship or permanent residency in a foreign country by making a substantial financial contribution. These programs offer a legitimate and efficient pathway to obtaining a secondary passport, providing freedom of travel, expanded business opportunities, educational, health care advantages, security and stability, and attractive tax planning benefits.

Benefits of Investment-Based Citizenship:

1. Worldwide Mobility: A secondary passport enables visa-free travel or visa-on-arrival access to numerous countries worldwide, facilitating international business trips and leisure travel.

2. Expanded Business Opportunities: Access to new markets, favorable tax regimes, and investor-friendly environments can be instrumental for entrepreneurs and investors looking to expand their ventures without being constrained by their present nationality.

3. Educational Advantages: Many investment-based citizenship programs offer access to renowned educational institutions, ensuring a brighter future for individuals and their families.

4. Security and Stability: Obtaining citizenship in a politically stable country with a strong rule of law and robust social welfare systems provides peace of mind and a secure environment for personal and professional growth.

5. Tax Planning: Certain countries offer attractive tax incentives, including exemptions on global income, capital gains, or inheritance taxes, enhancing wealth preservation and financial planning.

Navigating Investment-Based Citizenship Programs:

1. Research and Due Diligence: Thoroughly evaluate and compare different investment-based citizenship programs, considering factors such as reputation, investment requirements, processing times, and visa-free travel opportunities.
2. Eligibility Criteria: Understand the specific requirements of each program, including investment thresholds, background checks, language proficiency, or residency obligations.

3. Seek Professional Guidance & truthful Advisors: Engage reputable investment-based citizenship service providers or immigration lawyers to navigate these programs, ensuring compliance and a smooth application process.Avoid sales pitches and sales people whose interests are divergent from your end game

4. Investment Options: Explore various options such as real estate, government bonds, business development funds, or job creation initiatives, and select the one that aligns with your goals

5. Process of Application: Get acquainted with paperwork arrangement, verification of credentials, and discussions to guarantee a favorable conclusion.

The prospect of expanding one’s perspectives through citizenship through investment services is alluring. It is imperative to conduct extensive investigations, receive expert assistance, and comprehend the intricacies of the program. By adopting a suitable strategy, you can unlock worldwide prospects and commence a new phase in your life with self-assurance and enthusiasm.

July 17, 2023

Our world has experienced significant upheavals in the past three years, ranging from the global pandemic to geopolitical shifts and financial turbulence. In this rapidly changing landscape, mobility has emerged as a crucial component of diversification strategies, offering individuals and businesses a means to navigate uncertainties and hedge against risks. In this blog, we will explore why mobility, in its broadest sense, has become an essential part of diversification in today’s world.

The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the vulnerability of individuals and businesses who rely heavily on a single location or jurisdiction. Lockdowns, travel restrictions, and disruptions to global supply chains have had far-reaching consequences, underscoring the need for mobility as a means of adaptability and resilience. By diversifying their geographic footprint, individuals and businesses can mitigate the impact of unforeseen events and gain greater flexibility in the face of uncertainties.

Geopolitical shifts have become increasingly prominent in recent years, influencing economic policies, trade relations, and diplomatic landscapes. These changes can create both opportunities and challenges for individuals and businesses. By embracing mobility, individuals can explore new markets, expand their networks, and seize emerging opportunities. Similarly, companies can establish a presence in multiple jurisdictions, ensuring access to diverse customer bases and safeguarding against geopolitical risks.

The ongoing financial turbulences and market volatility have highlighted the importance of diversifying one’s assets to protect against economic downturns. Mobility plays a crucial role in asset protection by allowing individuals to diversify their investments across multiple jurisdictions. This can include acquiring properties or businesses in different countries, diversifying investment portfolios, or even obtaining alternative citizenships to access stable economies and favorable tax regimes.

Obtaining alternative citizenship or residency in different countries can significantly enhance an individual’s mobility and global access. With multiple passports, individuals can enjoy visa-free travel to numerous countries, facilitating business ventures, leisure travel, and even seeking medical treatment or educational opportunities abroad. Dual citizenship or residency also offers access to different healthcare systems, social welfare programs, and educational institutions, providing a safety net in times of crisis.

For businesses, mobility allows for the expansion of operations into new markets and the diversification of revenue streams. By establishing a presence in multiple countries, businesses can tap into diverse consumer markets, leverage favorable regulatory environments, and reduce the impact of regional economic downturns. Mobility facilitates cross-border collaborations, joint ventures, and access to skilled international talent, fostering innovation and growth.

In an era marked by unprecedented global challenges and uncertainties, mobility has become a fundamental aspect of diversification strategies. It enables individuals and businesses to navigate changing landscapes, seize opportunities, and protect against risks. By embracing mobility in its broadest sense – whether through geographic diversification, asset protection, or accessing alternative citizenships – individuals and businesses can enhance their adaptability, resilience, and global access. In a world where uncertainties prevail, mobility has become a vital tool for achieving stability, growth, and peace of mind.

July 12, 2023
July 12, 2023

Citizenship by investment programs has gained significant popularity in recent years, offering individuals the opportunity to obtain citizenship in a foreign country by making a substantial financial investment. However, it is important to approach this topic with the right understanding of the facts and laws governing these programs.

Citizenship by investment programs are established under specific legal acts enacted by the respective countries offering such programs. These laws outline the requirements, procedures, and conditions under which foreign nationals can obtain citizenship through investment. It is crucial for both applicants and service providers to have a solid understanding of the legal framework surrounding these programs to ensure compliance and avoid any potential pitfalls.

When exploring citizenship by investment programs, it is essential to be aware of the nomenclature used in the industry. Some cultures tend to adopt a “price bazaar” mentality, where the focus is solely on the cost of obtaining citizenship rather than the legitimacy and value of the program. To make informed decisions, it is imperative to look beyond the price tag and thoroughly research the legal requirements, due diligence processes, and reputation of the country offering the citizenship program.

One of the fundamental aspects of citizenship by investment programs is the rigorous due diligence process that applicants must undergo. These programs are designed to attract high-net-worth individuals who contribute to the host country’s economic growth. As a result, stringent background checks are conducted to ensure the integrity and suitability of applicants. Reputable service providers prioritize transparency and guide their clients through due diligence, ensuring that all necessary documentation and information are provided accurately.

Citizenship by investment programs offers a range of benefits, including enhanced global mobility, access to quality education and healthcare systems, favorable tax regimes, and expanded business opportunities. However, it is essential to understand that each program comes with its own set of advantages and considerations. By engaging with experienced professionals with in-depth knowledge of the various programs, prospective applicants can make well-informed decisions based on their specific goals and requirements.

Engaging the services of a reputable citizenship by investment company is crucial to ensure a smooth and lawful application process. When selecting a service provider, consider factors such as their experience, track record, objectiveness, professional network, and compliance with legal and ethical standards. Trustworthy companies prioritize client satisfaction, client end game, maintain strict confidentiality, and adhere to the highest professional and ethical standards.

Citizenship by investment programs can provide individuals with incredible opportunities and benefits. However, it is essential to approach this process with a thorough understanding of the facts and laws governing these programs. By working with reputable service providers, conducting proper due diligence, and prioritizing transparency, prospective applicants can navigate the intricate world of citizenship by investing confidently and responsibly. Remember, informed decisions are crucial to achieving your goals and safeguarding your future.

February 14, 2023
February 14, 2023


Western Europe, for all its flaws, remains among the world’s foremost regions in terms of quality of life. Characterized by comparatively high degrees of material well-being, security, and political predictability – and a uniquely old-world charm – life on the continent appeals to a global audience.

But the region has its drawbacks, chief among which are the almost uniformly heavy tax burdens it imposes on both individuals and companies.

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February 14, 2023

St Lucia’s Citizenship by Investment Program kicked off the new year with a host of changes to their program that make it even more enticing than ever.

The St Lucian government has decided to make its Citizenship by Investment Program more attractive to global investors looking to obtain a second citizenship through a shrewd investment while simultaneously ensuring its viability, scalability, and competitiveness in a market with more citizenship by investment programs than ever recorded.

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February 13, 2023

Our guests this week on the Mobility Standard were David Lesperance, Managing Partner of Lesperance & Associates, one of the world’s leading experts on international tax and immigration, and Melvin Warshaw, a US-based cross-border tax and private client lawyer with more than 40 years of experience in the field.

Lesperance and Warshaw are also the authors of our American Exceptionalism column, where they explore investment migration questions that uniquely impact Americans.

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Editor: Christian Henrik Nesheim

October 7, 2022

The Residences at Secret Bay, Dominica’s crown jewel development and only six-star, all-villa resort, announces it has paid out US$1 million in returns to investors and now has more than 100 Citizenship by Investment (CBI) owners from around the globe.

The globally-recognized CBI project, which is part of award-winning resort Secret Bay, just released year-over-year results between the fourth quarter of 2019 through the second quarter of 2022. During this period, The Residences at Secret Bay has outperformed expectations related to CBI investor growth, return on investment payout, total sales, ADR, occupancy rate, and resort employee growth.

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