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November 28, 2023
November 28, 2023

.كتيرة هي الدعايات للاستثمارات البحت مالية ان كان في محافظ وصناديق استثمارية,او في الاسهم وما الى ذلك كما هي الحال في الاستثمار في برامج الهجرة والجنسية بغية الوصول الى حرية التنقل العالمية

في الاستثمارات المالية البحتة (الحالة الاولى)، هناك العديد من الأنواع، كل منها يجذب نوعًا مختلفًا من المستثمرين، منها طويل الامد، متوسط او قصير، ومنها آمن او متوسط المخاطر وهناك طبعًا استثمارات لمن يبغي ارباح عالية وبالتالي تصبح المخاطر اكبر بكثير.  بالنهاية الجميع يبحث عن فرص جديدة لكي تدرعليهم منفعة معينة كل واحدة حسب نوع الاستثمار

في مجال حرية التنقل العالمية او “الموبيليتي” (الحالة الثانية)، هناك افراد يبحثون عن خيارات وافاق جديدة، او ربما يبحثون عن حرية السفر من دون قيود، او ربما يريدون توسيع شبكتهم التجارية او حماية اصولهم او اعطاء اولادهم آفاق اوسع او الكل مع بعض

اذا جينا نقارن الحالتين نجد ان الخيارات او الأهداف تنبع من شخصية معينة.  وفي كل حالة هناك شخصية استثمارية ما داخل الفرد تدفعه لاتخاذ اتجاه او اخر، ان كان استثمار في خيارات حرية التنقل العالمية لتفتح له أفاق وفرص جديدة او في حالة الاستثمارات المالية البحتة

وبالتالي، هناك شخصية مستثمر التي ممكن ان تكون شخصية حذرة، يعني متأنية في الوصول الى الهدف والوقت ليس بمهم، المهم تخفيف المخاطرة…  وهناك الشخصية التي ترغب بالوصول الى الهدف بشكل سريع بغض النظر عن المخاطر…  وطبعًا، هناك الشخصيات التي هي ما بينَ بين، على تعددها

باختصار، وبغض النظر عن نوع الاستثمار، يجب على كل شخص ان يتعرف على شخصيته الاستثمارية قبل ان يقوم باي استثمار، وهناك اليات تمكن الشخص من معرفة ذلك

لذلك في جلوباليا تعمقنا في جميع البرامج الاستثمارية التي لها علاقة في حرية التنقل العالمية لفهم الهدف من ورائها، وطورنا الية مبنية على خوارزمية علمية لمعرفة شخصية المستثمر لربطهم مع بعض


وبالتالي، بناءً على شخصية المستثمر، تعرض عليه البرامج التي تتماشى علميًّا مع شخصيته واهدافه.  هنا نضع المستثمر في قلب المعادلة اي في مركز القيادة وليس اي نوع من البرامج او البلدان حيث يبقى القرار النهائي والحرللمستثمر

        (OUR MISSION)هنا نود الربط مع رأينا في المقال السابق عن كيفية جعل الخدمة او المنتج أكثر ديموقراطية والتي هي من اساس مهمتنا


…مع تحياتنا للجميع

November 23, 2023
November 23, 2023

.تكثر الاسئلة عن سعر الجنسية الثانية. شئ مخيف

.اول سؤال تسأل كم سعرك. فعلا شي مذهل وكأنك في سوق ما

.كيف وصلت هذه الخدمة لهذا الشكل وبالاخص في منطقتنا؟

.مع ان المسارات واضحة على المواقع الرسمية

.كما ان جميع المعلومات حتى موجودة ايضا

.اذ ان اي شخص ممكن ان يحسبها بنفسه بدون الحاجة لأي وسيط

.صارت الجنسية الثانية تسوق كسلعة حتى ان هناك اسعار مختلفة ومتفاوتة جدا

.من الواضح ان هناك ثغرة في قانون الجنسية في بعض بلدان الكاريبي تستغل من قبل اطراف عديدة حتى اصبحت سلعة تسويقية…. لا اريد ان ادخل في التفاصيل


الا تعرف الدولة المانحة للجنسية عن تلك الالاعيب؟او انها تغض النظر لاسباب فيها منفعة شخصية؟

هل الدول مثل الاتحاد الاوروبي و بريطانيا وغيرهم,الذين يمنحون الدخول الى بلدانهم من دون تأشيرة لحاملي تلك الجوازات, أغبياء لدرجة عدم معرفتهم بتلك الالاعيب؟

ماذا لو احدى الدول الكبرى ضغطت للكشف عن تلك الالاعيب ؟ 

اترك هذه الأسئلة برسم التفكر اذ لايعقل ان مشروع الحصول على الجنسية الثانية وهو مشروع بحد ذاته, ان يسوق كسلعة 

.ولا يعقل ان يكون مستقبل الفرد أو عائلة باكملها على المحك لاسباب تسويقية. هناك مسؤولية على القيمين على تلك البرامج بتصويب البوصلة من جديد

…ها قد بدأت سانت كيتس باتخاذ اجراءات غير مسبوقة بعد القرار الاخير من بريطانيا بحق دومينيكابدأ العد العكسي

.مع تحياتنا للجميع



November 14, 2023

In an era of unprecedented connectivity and technological advancement, the world has become a playground for those who dare to dream beyond borders. For freelancers, entrepreneurs, and digital nomads, global mobility isn’t just an option; it’s a way of life. But before you embark on this exhilarating journey, it’s vital to ask yourself: Are you bold enough to explore global mobility?

The Changing Landscape of Work

The traditional concept of employment, with its cubicles and fixed working hours, has given way to a new paradigm. Today, more individuals are embracing a lifestyle where work is not tethered to a physical location. Freelancers, entrepreneurs, and digital nomads are rewriting the rules, leveraging technology to work from anywhere in the world.

Global Mobility: Beyond the Hype

As the allure of global mobility beckons, it’s important to differentiate between the hype and the reality. While the idea of working from a beach in Bali or a café in Barcelona may seem idyllic, the path to achieving such a lifestyle is not without its challenges.

  • Financial Considerations: Global mobility can be expensive, especially if you’re considering second citizenship or residency programs. However, understanding the costs involved and planning accordingly is crucial. It’s not just about the price tag but the long-term financial sustainability of your chosen path.
  • Legal Complexities: Navigating the legal requirements and regulations of different countries can be daunting. What works for one person may not work for another. Seek expert advice to ensure you comply with the necessary laws and regulations in your chosen destination.
  • Cultural Adaptation: Living and working in a foreign country can be a profound experience, but it also comes with cultural nuances that require adjustment. Being prepared to embrace diversity and adapt to new environments is key to a successful global mobility journey.
  • Entrepreneurial Spirit: For freelancers and entrepreneurs, global mobility can open up new markets and opportunities. However, it also demands an entrepreneurial mindset. You’ll need to be adaptable, resourceful, and willing to pivot when necessary.

Making Informed Decisions

The bold decision to explore global mobility should be grounded in informed choices. Here’s how to ensure you’re on the right path:

  • Set Clear Objectives: Define your goals and what you hope to achieve through global mobility. Are you seeking adventure, new business opportunities, or a better work-life balance? Knowing your objectives will guide your decisions.
  • Financial Planning: Create a robust financial plan that considers not just your initial investment but also your ongoing expenses. Factor in potential fluctuations in income and currency exchange rates.
  • Professional Guidance: Seek advice from experts who specialize in global mobility solutions. They can help you choose the right citizenship or residency program, navigate legal complexities, and optimize your tax situation.
  • Build a Support Network: Connect with other freelancers, entrepreneurs, and digital nomads who have embarked on similar journeys. Their experiences and insights can be invaluable as you navigate the challenges and joys of global mobility.


Global mobility offers boundless opportunities for freelancers, entrepreneurs, and digital nomads bold enough to embrace it. However, it’s a path that demands careful consideration, meticulous planning, and a willingness to adapt. Are you ready to explore this exciting world of possibilities?

We understand the unique needs and aspirations of freelancers, entrepreneurs, and digital nomads. We’re here to provide you with the knowledge, expertise and support you need to make your global mobility dreams a reality. As you embark on this bold journey, let us be your trusted partner, guiding you toward a future without borders.

In a world where the possibilities are limitless, your boldness in exploring global mobility can be your greatest asset. Are you ready to take the leap?

November 9, 2023
November 9, 2023

In the ever-evolving landscape of global mobility solutions, the concept of obtaining second citizenship has taken center stage. With Europe, the UK, and the USA intensifying their scrutiny, the question arises: Is second citizenship a mere commodity? At Globalia, we believe in going beyond the surface to ensure your journey toward global mobility is both secure and fulfilling.

Beyond the Surface: The 2nd Citizenship Debate

The notion of second citizenship as a commodity has gained traction in recent years. Some argue that the availability of citizenship and residency programs can make the process appear transactional, reducing the significance of what it truly means to become a citizen of a new country. However, at its core, the concept of second citizenship holds profound implications beyond simple acquisition.

Tighter Scrutiny: Europe, UK, and USA

As demand for second citizenship rises, so does the vigilance of countries that offer such programs. Europe, the UK, and the USA are now taking measures to ensure that the individuals seeking citizenship are aligned with the values and contributions of the country. This crackdown aims to preserve the integrity of citizenship and protect against misuse.

  • Stringent Background Checks: Countries are implementing thorough background checks to verify the legitimacy of applicants. This move aims to prevent any attempts to secure citizenship through fraudulent means.
  • Enhanced Due Diligence: Scrutiny of applicants’ financial histories and business affiliations has intensified. Authorities aim to identify any potential risks associated with granting citizenship to individuals with questionable backgrounds.
  • Commitment to Residence: Many countries now require applicants to demonstrate a genuine commitment to residing in the country. This shift addresses concerns of individuals obtaining citizenship solely for tax benefits without contributing to the nation’s development.

Navigating the Landscape: We’ve Got You Covered

In the face of tightening regulations and increased scrutiny, it’s essential to work with experts who understand the intricate nuances of second citizenship. At Globalia, we believe that second citizenship is not just a transaction; it’s a transformative journey that deserves careful consideration.

  • Personalized Solutions: We tailor our solutions to your unique circumstances and aspirations. We understand that each individual’s journey toward global mobility is different and deserves a personalized approach.
  • Ethical Practices: We uphold the highest standards of integrity and transparency. Our commitment to ethical practices ensures that you’re informed about the implications and responsibilities of acquiring second citizenship.
  • Expert Guidance: Our team of experts stays abreast of the evolving regulations and requirements. We provide you with accurate, up-to-date information to make informed decisions.
  • Comprehensive Support: From the initial consultation to the final steps of the process, we’re by your side. Our comprehensive support ensures a smooth and successful journey toward obtaining a second citizenship.


While the debate over whether second citizenship is a mere commodity rages on, it’s clear that the landscape is changing. The tightening regulations from Europe, the UK, and the USA emphasize the need for caution and due diligence. At Globalia, we believe that second citizenship is a path of transformation and opportunity – one that deserves the utmost care and respect.

As you consider the path to acquiring a second citizenship, remember that the journey is far more than a transaction. It’s a commitment to embracing new opportunities, contributing to a nation’s growth, and becoming a global citizen in the truest sense. Let us be your guiding light through this intricate journey of second citizenship, ensuring that your dreams of global mobility are realized with integrity and purpose.

November 7, 2023

In a world inundated with one-size-fits-all solutions, there’s a growing awareness of the importance of customization, especially when it comes to life-altering decisions like acquiring a second citizenship or residency. At our core, we believe in the power of a holistic view—a perspective that transcends the generic, trend-driven approach prevalent in the market.


Embracing Individuality in a World of Conformity

The journey towards global mobility and security isn’t a linear path; it’s a highly individualized experience. Your aspirations, goals, and circumstances are unique to you. Therefore, why should your solutions be generic? We understand that no two individuals are the same, and their paths to a secure and mobile future shouldn’t be either.


Beyond the Trend: Crafting Personalized Solutions

Unlike companies that follow fleeting trends or push pre-packaged programs, we take a different route. We don’t sell you a program; we co-create a tailored strategy that aligns seamlessly with your ambitions. Our approach is rooted in understanding you—your preferences, your dreams, and your concerns. We delve deep into your profile, exploring not just your financial capabilities but also your lifestyle choices and future aspirations.


The Power of Holistic Customization

What sets us apart is our commitment to holistic customization. We consider every facet of your life—your family, your business endeavors, your passion projects. By taking this comprehensive view, we can offer you solutions that aren’t just suitable but transformative. Your second citizenship or residency isn’t just a legal document; it’s a gateway to a world that complements your essence, your values, and your vision.


Transparency, Trust, and Tailored Solutions

Transparency is the cornerstone of our approach. We believe in open communication, ensuring you understand every step of the process. Trust is earned, and we earn it by putting your interests above all else. Our dedicated experts work tirelessly to craft solutions that are not only legally sound but also personally enriching.


Your Unique Journey, Your Secure Future

At the heart of our ethos is the belief that your unique journey deserves a tailor-made approach. We don’t just secure your mobility; we empower your dreams. We don’t just offer you a program; we pave the way for a future that resonates with your authentic self.


In a world filled with noise and generic solutions, find solace in a partner who sees you for who you are—an individual with distinct dreams and aspirations. Embrace the holistic view, where your path to global mobility and security is not just a transaction but a transformation. Let us guide you toward a future crafted exclusively for you, where your uniqueness isn’t just acknowledged; it’s celebrated.

October 30, 2023

In a world constantly urging conformity, the essence of individuality often gets lost. People are pressured to conform to societal norms, to fit into predefined molds. But, here’s the truth: your life isn’t meant to be a one-size-fits-all equation. Every person is unique, with distinct dreams, ambitions, and aspirations. This is especially crucial when considering life-altering decisions, such as acquiring a second citizenship or residency.

Before diving headfirst into a major life decision, it’s essential to take a step back and understand who you truly are. What are your long-term goals? Where do you see yourself in the future? What kind of lifestyle do you desire? These questions form the foundation of your “end game.” They represent the destination of your life journey.

One significant aspect of this self-discovery journey is recognizing the importance of global mobility and security. In the face of an unpredictable world marked by pandemics like COVID-19, geopolitical shifts, and financial uncertainties, having the freedom to move across borders becomes paramount. It’s not just a matter of convenience; it’s a strategic choice that aligns with your personal end game.

When you profile yourself—understand your values, goals, and aspirations—it becomes clear that global mobility is not just an option but a necessity. A second citizenship or residency in a stable country can offer the security and opportunities you need to thrive. It’s a choice that resonates with your authentic self, ensuring that you don’t just fit in but flourish on your own terms.


October 23, 2023
October 23, 2023

In the digital age, information is abundant, but authenticity is scarce. Many sponsored speakers flood the media, delivering carefully crafted messages that lack genuine substance. These individuals often receive substantial sums of money to promote specific agendas, leaving you, the listener, as the victim of their orchestrated narratives.

It’s disheartening to see authentic voices drowned out by the noise of commercial interests. You deserve better. You deserve honesty, transparency, and unbiased information. When it comes to significant life decisions, such as acquiring a second citizenship or residency, the stakes are high. Your future, your security, and your well-being hang in the balance.

At our core, we believe in empowering you, not manipulating you. We advocate for a transparent approach, where your interests are at the forefront of every decision-making process. We understand that the choices you make today have far-reaching consequences. That’s why we provide you with accurate, unbiased information, allowing you to make informed decisions that align with your goals.

Don’t succumb to the glossy facade of sponsored speakers and their manufactured authenticity. Instead, seek the truth, demand transparency, and trust your instincts. Your journey towards global mobility and security should be guided by genuine expertise and a commitment to your well-being. You are not a victim; you are a discerning individual deserving of the utmost integrity and respect. Choose wisely, choose authentically, and let your decisions reflect the true essence of who you are and what you aspire to be.

October 16, 2023
October 16, 2023

The past three years have ushered in a whirlwind of global transformations. The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic exposed vulnerabilities in every corner of the world. Simultaneously, geopolitical landscapes shifted, and financial markets experienced unprecedented turbulence. In the face of these challenges, diversification has emerged as a key strategy for safeguarding one’s future. And at the heart of diversification lies mobility, in its broadest sense.


Why is mobility so pivotal in the current landscape? The answer lies in its ability to act as a hedge against uncertainties. Having the flexibility to relocate, invest, and establish yourself in different parts of the world provides a safety net. It ensures that your assets and interests are not tied to the fate of a single nation or economy.


Mobility, in this context, goes beyond physical movement. It encompasses the ability to access international markets, explore business opportunities globally, and secure a second citizenship or residency. These elements create a robust safety buffer against economic downturns, political unrest, or public health crises.


In an era where change is the only constant, mobility becomes an essential component of your overall financial and life strategy. It allows you to adapt swiftly to evolving circumstances, mitigating risks and maximizing opportunities. By embracing the concept of global mobility, you position yourself strategically, ensuring that your investments, businesses, and personal life remain resilient in the face of uncertainty.

September 29, 2023
September 29, 2023

كتيرة هي الدعايات للاستثمارات البحت مالية ان كان في محافظ وصناديق استثمارية,او في الاسهم وما الى ذلك كما هي الحال في الاستثمار في برامج الهجرة والجنسية بغية الوصول الى حرية التنقل العالمية.

في الاستثمارات المالية البحتة (الحالة الاولى)، هناك العديد من الأنواع، كل منها يجذب نوعًا مختلفًا من المستثمرين، منها طويل الامد، متوسط او قصير، ومنها آمن او متوسط المخاطر وهناك طبعًا استثمارات لمن يبغي ارباح عالية وبالتالي تصبح المخاطر اكبر بكثير.  بالنهاية الجميع يبحث عن فرص جديدة لكي تدرعليهم منفعة معينة كل واحدة حسب نوع الاستثمار

في مجال حرية التنقل العالمية او “الموبيليتي” (الحالة الثانية)، هناك افراد يبحثون عن خيارات وافاق جديدة، او ربما يبحثون عن حرية السفر من دون قيود، او ربما يريدون توسيع شبكتهم التجارية او حماية اصولهم او اعطاء اولادهم آفاق اوسع او الكل مع بعض

اذا جينا نقارن الحالتين نجد ان الخيارات او الأهداف تنبع من شخصية معينة.  وفي كل حالة هناك شخصية استثمارية ما داخل الفرد تدفعه لاتخاذ اتجاه او اخر، ان كان استثمار في خيارات حرية التنقل العالمية لتفتح له أفاق وفرص جديدة او في حالة الاستثمارات المالية البحتة

وبالتالي، هناك شخصية مستثمر التي ممكن ان تكون شخصية حذرة، يعني متأنية في الوصول الى الهدف والوقت ليس بمهم، المهم تخفيف المخاطرة…  وهناك الشخصية التي ترغب بالوصول الى الهدف بشكل سريع بغض النظر عن المخاطر…  وطبعًا، هناك الشخصيات التي هي ما بينَ بين، على تعددها

باختصار، وبغض النظر عن نوع الاستثمار، يجب على كل شخص ان يتعرف على شخصيته الاستثمارية قبل ان يقوم باي استثمار، وهناك اليات تمكن الشخص من معرفة ذلك

G-PROFILE لذلك في جلوباليا تعمقنا في جميع البرامج الاستثمارية التي لها علاقة في حرية التنقل العالمية لفهم الهدف من ورائها، وطورنا الية مبنية على خوارزمية علمية لمعرفة شخصية المستثمر لربطهم مع بعض

وبالتالي، بناءً على شخصية المستثمر، تعرض عليه البرامج التي تتماشى علميًّا مع شخصيته واهدافه.  هنا نضع المستثمر في قلب المعادلة اي في مركز القيادة وليس اي نوع من البرامج او البلدان حيث يبقى القرار النهائي والحرللمستثمر. 

  (OUR MISSION) هنا نود الربط مع رأينا في المقال السابق عن كيفية جعل الخدمة او المنتج أكثر ديموقراطية والتي هي من اساس مهمتنا

مع تحياتنا للجميع

September 25, 2023
September 25, 2023

In a world defined by borders, routines, and the familiar, there’s a certain allure to the comfort zone. It’s a place where life is predictable, risks are minimized, and the status quo reigns supreme. Yet, in the age of global opportunities, sticking exclusively to the comforts of home can be a missed chance for something extraordinary. Why settle for the ordinary when you can be global?


The Comfort Zone’s Allure

The comfort zone is, well, comfortable. It’s the place where routines are sacred, where the known outweighs the unknown, and where change is met with resistance. In this sanctuary, risks are minimized, but so are opportunities. The allure of staying put is undeniable, yet the price of staying put can be far greater than the comfort it provides.


Breaking Free: The Power of Global Mobility

The world is evolving at a rapid pace, and global mobility has become a defining feature of our era. It’s no longer enough to be a passive observer; the world beckons us to participate actively and boldly. Here’s why breaking free from your comfort zone and embracing global mobility is an opportunity you shouldn’t let slip away:

– Limitless Experiences: The world is a treasure trove of diverse cultures, cuisines, landscapes, and opportunities waiting to be explored. Global mobility allows you to immerse yourself in these experiences, broadening your horizons in ways you never imagined.

– Professional Growth: For entrepreneurs, freelancers, and digital nomads, global mobility opens doors to new markets, collaborations, and networking opportunities. Your business can thrive on a global stage, expanding beyond the confines of your hometown.

– Personal Transformation: Stepping out of your comfort zone cultivates resilience, adaptability, and resourcefulness. These qualities are not only valuable in a global context but also contribute to personal growth and development.

– A Broader Perspective: Exposure to different cultures and perspectives challenges your preconceived notions and fosters empathy. It’s an antidote to narrow-mindedness and a catalyst for personal and societal change.

Embrace the Journey: You Can Be Global

Embracing global mobility isn’t reserved for a select few; it’s a choice available to anyone with the courage to take it. Here’s how to get started on your journey:

– Define Your Goals: What does being global mean to you? Is it about travel, business expansion, cultural immersion, or all of the above? Define your goals to create a roadmap for your journey.

– Seek Inspiration: Connect with fellow global adventurers, entrepreneurs, and digital nomads who have blazed their own trails. Their stories and experiences can be a wellspring of inspiration and practical advice.

– Acquire the Right Information: Stay informed about the practical aspects of global mobility, such as visa requirements, residency options, and legal considerations. Accurate information is your greatest ally.

– Embrace Change: Accept that change is an integral part of the global mobility journey. Be open to new experiences, challenges, and opportunities, and view them as stepping stones to personal and professional growth.



In a world overflowing with possibilities, staying confined to your comfort zone is like owning a treasure chest but never unlocking it. Embracing global mobility is not just about leaving your comfort zone; it’s about expanding it to encompass the entire world. So, don’t let fear or complacency hold you back. Break free, explore the globe, and discover the countless opportunities that await you. When you can be global, why settle for anything less?
